Thursday, September 24, 2020

The Versatile Cucumber - Part II.

 The Versatile Cucumbe Part II.

Tambli of Cucumber core and seeds.

 Entire spongy core of a cucumber including the liquid and all the seeds can be used to make a delicious and healthy ‘Tambli’. But make sure that the spongy core is not too bitter if it is to be used.  
 1) The solid part of the spongy core, kept aside.  2) The liquid part and all the seeds kept separately. 3) Coconut about 2 tablespoons.  4) Green chilli – one. 5) For final garnishing – mustard, red chilli, curry leaves.  6) Coconut oil for blanching and garnishing – about 2-3 tsps. 7) Salt as needed.  

Ingredients: Coconut, Green Chilli, Jeera, Seeds & liquid, Solid core part, Tadka Items, Asafoetida,
Curds and Coriander leaves (not in picture)
 1) In a kadai heat about 1 – 1 ½ tsp coconut oil, solid pieces of cucumber core, coconut, cut green chili for about 2 minutes on medium flame.
 2) Grind fine in a mixie and transfer paste to a serving dish. 
 3) In the same mixie, take the seeds and liquid and blend fine. Strain the contents on to the serving dish, discarding the solid part.  Add salt as needed.

Blending seeds & liquid, it is strained into the the container with the main paste.
4) Garnish with mustard, red chilli and curry leaves in coconut oil.  
It is now ready to serve.
 Preparation time – about 10-12 minutes.
 Serves 4-6 persons at lunch. It is eaten with hot rice, mashed well and in small quantity as a sort of appetiser to tickle the taste buds.

UNDE Sutta’ Cucumber Huli / Sambar.

‘UNDE Sutta’ means bottom burnt. In this the Cucumber pieces with its peel are shallow-fried, almost burnt and thus cooked in making this special Udupi Sambar. No Toor Dal is used. With Cucumber we usually make standard sambar using pieces with its peel and make ‘Mor Kozhambu’ or ‘Majjige Sambar’ using peeled cucumber pieces. This particular variation has a different and nice taste; worth trying.
 1) 10 to 12 or more large pieces with its peels, either fresh or freezer stored, with the fleshy part  criss crossed with deep knife cuts keeping the peel intact. 2) For the masala – a) mustard 1 tsp; b) jeera 1 tsp.  c) Red chillies 2 or 3. d) Coconut pieces or grated about 1 to 1 ½ tsp.  e) Coconut oil 3-4 tsp.  f) Turmeric powder ¼ tsp. g) Asafoetida powder ½ tsp. h) Coriander seeds 1 tsp. 3) Tamarind – about one small lime size.  4) Jaggery – one tsp.  5) Salt to taste. 6) Coriander leaves.


Ingredients: Coconut, Tamarind, Asafoetida, Jaggery, Turmeric, Jeera, Red chillies, Coriander seeds,Curry leaves & Cucumber pieces,  Next: Criss cross cutting of flesh.  And Shallow frying the pieces or 'Burning' the cucumber in a tawa.
 1) In a tawa roast with about 1-2 tsp oil, all masala items – mustard, jeera, red chillies, coconut, turmeric powder and finally asafoetida powder for 2-3 minutes.  Cool it and grind into a fine paste adding some water as needed. Keep it aside.
 2) In a tawa heat 2 – 3 tsp of coconut oil, arrange cucumber pieces bottom down on the tawa under high flame initially and later under moderate flame gently turning and mixing till the fleshy part starts browning and the peel tends to get ‘burnt’. This would take about 10 – 12 minutes.
 3) Cool and add tamarind juice diluted to about a cup; add jaggery and cook on moderate flame for about 4 to 5 minutes. Add salt and mix well. Make sure cucumber is cooked well, but not too soft and melted.    


 4) Now add the masala paste, mix well and cook and bring to boil – for 3-4 minutes. Test taste it and add
more salt or jaggery to it as per your preference.
 Transfer it to a serving dish and decorate with some coriander leaves.
 It is eaten as a main dish mixed with hot white rice at lunch or dinner
 Preparation time – about 30 – 35 minutes.
 Serves 4 – 5 persons.

Other standard items like Cucumber Sambar and Cucumber Mor Kozhambu are not described.

1 comment:

  1. Traditional yet unique dish. Very satisfying 'soul' food! Thanks!
